2021 COVID-19 Guidelines


Negative PCR Test
It's required to have a negative covid test from a lab issued no more than 48 hours before entering the premises. It's not allowed a negative home test kit with QR Code.
The negative PCR certificate held must have a QR code linked to their original test report and must have the date and time of sample collection and the test result mentioned accurately. Participants holding a negative PCR certificate without a QR code shall be denied entry.
Participants who have had a positive viral test in the 3 months before starting camp and have met the criteria to end isolation should have a letter from their healthcare provider documenting the positive test date and stating the individual is cleared to end isolation.
Vaccination Requirements
All participants must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination status prior to entering the premises. If the participant is not vaccinated, is allowed to be part of the camp using masks at all times.
What's considered to be fully vaccinated?
You are considered fully vaccinated:
2 weeks (14 days) after your dose of an accepted single-dose vaccine
2 weeks (14 days) after your second dose of an accepted 2-dose series
2 weeks (14 days) after you received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine.
2 weeks (14 days) after you received 2 doses of any “mix-and-match” combination of accepted COVID-19 vaccines administered at least 17 days apart*
If you don’t meet these requirements, you are NOT fully vaccinated.
To know more about accepted COVID-19 vaccinations and the acceptable Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination, click HERE.
Symptoms Before Camp
If you're experiencing any symptoms such as:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Click here to read more details regarding the symptoms.
If have come into close contact with someone with COVID-19, the individual should be tested to check for infection and is recommended to stay at home and contact our office at +1.866.692.3058 or valeria@hscamps.org.
Before Camp "Quarantine"
HSCF recommends that 10 days prior to camp, ambassadors should maintain low-risk activities, such as staying at home as much as possible, avoiding gatherings and activities with large groups of people, wearing face masks, and physically maintaining the distance recommended.

Missing Camp Due to Covid-19?
If an ambassador misses our camp due to quarantine or potential exposure to an infected individual please:
1. Notify our office at info@hscamps.org or +1.866.692.3058.
2. Read below for more details regarding refunds:
If the notification was done 30 days prior to camp, can opt for a full refund.
If the notification was done 15 days prior to camp, can opt for a 50% refund.
If the notification is done after 15 days prior to camp, please contact our office.
Not Vaccinated?
It's a requirement to be fully vaccinated to attend our In-Residential Camps. In case of not being vaccinated, please make sure to check our @HOMECAMPS where we have many virtual activities.
Opening Day
Parents will be required to wear face masks while at camp. Parents will not be allowed to visit their child’s rooms.
Ambassadors must arrive with their pre-camp requirements (your negative PCR test and completed vaccination card) readily available, up to date, and complete.
Ambassadors will be required to wear a face mask until they have completed the entire registration and screening process and parents have left.
Ambassadors must be fever-free (<100.4 F) upon arrival.

On Site Camp
It's required ambassadors and counselors to wear masks when indoors, with others outside of their dorm/tent, in vans or buses, in camp-wide programs, and anytime we are unable to physical distance.
While the ambassadors are in their dorms/tenants or open spaces it will not be required to use the mask unless there has been a Covid exposure.
Health and temperature monitoring will be done daily.
Nurse will be on-site 24/7.
Cleaning & Hygiene
Each building, room, and bathhouse will be cleaned and disinfected by trained staff.
We will increase the frequency with which we perform deep cleanings of shared surfaces, rooms, and indoor facilities.
Campers will continue to be required to wash their hands before and after any activity (indoors/outdoors).
Campers will be asked to use hand sanitizer prior to each activity and before entering the room area.
All food will be carefully prepared using face masks and gloves.
Campers will sit with their groups for meals. The tables will be located a minimum of six feet apart from each other.
Campers will be served in the buffet by staff wearing face masks and gloves
Prevention Measures
By attending our Residential Camps, it's required to:
Use a face mask during the whole time on the premises.
Cover coughs and sneezes with bent elbow or tissues. For more information: HERE
Wash your hands frequently. For more information: HERE
Ambassadors, their families, and camp staff should follow the traveler's guidelines 14 days prior to arrival at camp to reduce exposure to COVID-19. For more information: HERE
Symptoms Management Action Plan
We will follow a strict symptom management plan including case containment, quarantine, communication, tracing, and post-illness protocols.
Trained medical staff will assess anyone with possible COVID-related symptoms.
Rapid tests will be provided to the individual.
Immediate communication to the relatives will be done.
A quarantine area will be established on-site.
HSCF will have a nurse available on-site at all times when camp is in operation and our camp doctor will be on-call during the camp day.
Cleaning and disinfection protocol will be activated for the premises.
Positive Diagnosis Plan
If an ambassador or staff member reports they are COVID-19 positive, we will maintain the confidentiality of the individual at all times while mitigating the situation.
All families and staff of the individual’s group will be notified immediately that a case has been reported in their group.
Any ambassador and staff members in close contact with the infected individual, for an extended period of time and who has symptoms, will be required to quarantine for 10 days.
Persons who test positive for COVID-19 are not permitted to return to camp until they can provide medical clearance from a healthcare provider.
These guidelines are designed to keep our In-Residential Camps safe and healthy maintaining an ambient of fun and positivity to have the best experience as planned.
HSCF works towards maintaining a safe place to learn and develop personally and professionally; keeping this in mind, these guidelines will be updated according to the developments of COVID-19 throughout the year.
For more information, please make sure to email us at info@hscamps.org or call +1.866.692.3058